Detox Fasting Yoga

To refresh body, mind and spirit

Welcome to Detox Fasting Yoga

May all beings live in love with their juice, food and broth.

We run juice fasting detox programmes at the Sivananda Ashrams in India.

Fasting is an ancient practice to help the body return to health. In today’s chemical-rich society, it is even more important to regularly cleanse our system and that is where our programme can really help.

Juice Fasting, combined with yoga, meditation and Ayurvedic rejuvenating massage is the quickest, easiest and safest way to detox the body and mind. As the organs detox, so the mind becomes clearer. Juice fasting is also an excellent way to lose weight while ingesting an abundance of vitamins and minerals, and leads to a new attitude to eating. See what other people say about the programme.

With the digestive energies on hold, the body is more able to heal itself. A juice fast is like an MOT for your car – without regular servicing, your car will not perform to its optimum potential. So it is with our bodies. A clogged-up and toxic body is unable to expel waste, and we then continue to re-absorb the toxins and feel pretty sluggish and awful – the skin starts to become spotty and our joints start to ache.

Toxins surround us in our daily lives, not just in the food we eat but from all the lotions we apply to our bodies, our washing powders, perfumes, shampoos and even the water we drink. Stress creates toxins which accumulate in our internal organs. We can change. We can restore good health. This programme has been tried and tested over thirty years and will help everyone release the toxins from their body and mind.

Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu

May the whole world attain peace and harmony

Next programmes

14 November 2024

Sivananda Ashram

Location: Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Duration: Two weeks
Prices from: $ 780

3 December 2024

Sivananda Ashram

Location: Neyyar Dam, Kerala
Duration: Two weeks
Prices from: $ 702
Prices in USD – US Dollar.
Fasting is one of the ten cannons of yoga
― Swami Sivananda