We are Sivananda trained Yoga Teachers and have been running Juice Fasting programmes for over ten years. I have been involved in juicing for about 30 years and leading an holistic life for over 45 years since being introduced to two life ‘gurus’ – a Naturopath and the late Jack Temple, renowned dowser and healer.

Since 2006, we worked at Moinhos Velhos, the Fasting and Detoxification centre in Portugal, where until recently I was the Manager. We have been fasting regularly to maintain good health and running juice fasting programmes in Portugal and India but we now concentrate solely on the programmes at the Sivananda Ashrams in India.

We live with our two children in Portugal where we run a small farm and practice permaculture and other systems of gardening. We eat each day from the garden.

We are passionate about fasting, yoga and meditation. Our instruction comes from life’s experiences and intuition, and we wish to share the experience and the wonderful benefits from fasting with you all.

Health is wealth.

May everyone be happy.

Please feel free to contact us.